You have planned the most wonderful day for your future husband and your self and not to mention all the hard work and money it is to plan such a special day ! There are a few pet peeves that most people have and Im sure some of you can relate on wedding guest do's and dont's !
1.RSVP - Ok this is so easy and so important - Its so easy to take the time to mail the card back in , it even comes with stamp usually and an address so all you have to do is pop it in the mail ! One other thing the card is addressed to who is invited - If it says Mr. & Mrs. Smith - It means the 2 of you and not your neighbors or your kids !
2 - OUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE is RESPECT - The invitation gives a time and location and usually the ceremony starts on time within minutes from the time posted on the invite ! If you are late then maybe just stay on the side and watch the Ceremony instead of walking in the middle of it ! Every now and then you have someone also recording a video just for fun or maybe they were asked to by a parent - Did you ever think if You are not a pro and don't know what your doing your going to be in all the professional photographers full photo images ! Its just crazy ! I see this all the time and I know the couple most likely never thought that the friend would be in the way but they are !
3. TREAT THE WEDDING as if it was yours. - Be respectful of the special day the couple is having and make sure and now your limits. It does not happen often but a few times we have seen some guest get out of control and say strange things during the speeches or drink to much and fall down and they have to be rushed to the hospital. Just be careful and make sure your not the guest everyone is talking about and so and so's wedding. Also one thing a bride really does not want to hear is how you would have done things ! Just compliment her and it will go along way !
If your a guest coming up at a wedding - I hope this helps !